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                                         Privacy Policy

We L A Mark Speech therapy wanted to let you know that we have created a privacy policy  document to reflect changes to data laws in the UK (GDPR) 

GDPR (also known as General Data Protection Regulations) is a new European framework for data  protection laws. It gives you greater protection and rights, as well as better control over how your  data is used. 

We L A Mark Speech therapy are committed to protecting Your privacy and promise to collect,  process and share Your data safely and securely when you use Our services L A Mark speech  therapy.

Our Privacy Policy tells You what happens with Your personal information, where Your  personal data is kept, who it is shared with, and how long it is kept for. Any personal data processed in line with our Privacy policy is controlled by Us, the data controller and processor. 

-Personal data shall be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data  subject.  

-Personal data shall be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further  processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes. 

-Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the  purposes for which they are processed.  

- Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.  

-Personal data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than  is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed. 

- Personal data shall be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal  data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss,  destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures. 

Information We collect about You 

- Case histories containing personally identifiable information- National Health System (NHS)  number, full name, date of birth, address, phone number, next of kin information, medical  history, list of medications, and information on health professionals involved in Your care,  including name and address of your General practitioner (GP) surgery. 

- We will often request for Your email address to allow for timely correspondence. - Communication and swallow assessment sheets, case notes outlining individual therapy sessions, and reports outlining outcomes of initial assessments and summarising outcome of  therapy. 

- Invoices outlining Your name and address and amount payable to our service.

- Your signature following receipt of Your signed consent to comply by Our Terms and  Conditions. 

- Emails containing correspondence between L A Mark Speech therapy and You.

 -Signed Terms and Conditions documents read and signed by You. 

- We may also receive personal data about You from other healthcare professionals involved in Your care, and You will have consented to Us receiving this by signing our Terms and Conditions. 

How and why We use Your information 

-We require Your personal data to ensure that we have all of the necessary information to support  You with Your care in a holistic manner. 

- Information from email correspondence is stored on a password protected email account. 

- Case notes, case histories, reports and signed Terms and Conditions are kept on a password  protected laptop. 

- Paper documents are scanned onto a password protected laptop, and are stored in a locked filing  cabinet whilst awaiting upload to a secure laptop. 

- Reports are shared securely by L A Mark Speech therapy on a need to know basis. 

- Assessments are either uploaded or stored in a locked filing cabinet.

- Appointments are written in a diary with Your initials only and against the time and date that You  agreed to be seen. 

- Personal data may be shared with other health care professionals following consent to do so by receipt of signed Terms and Conditions. This may be necessary to seek more information about Your  health, and/or to support You with Your health. 

- Casenotes about You will be kept for 6 years and will then be disposed of following this period. 

- Recordings of sessions, following consent, will be shown on L A Mark Speech Therapy’s website, and social media platforms. Faces will be blurred and names anonymised if preferred.

What rights do You have over Your personal data? 

Under the GDPR You have the right to: 

- Access Your personal data by making a subject access request in writing. L A Mark Speech  therapy upholds the right to request for the reason in which this data is being requested,  and to solely provide what is necessary. 

- L A Mark speech therapy is required to provide You with Your personal data within 1 month  of a written request being made. However L A Mark Speech therapy can refuse or charge for  requests that are manifestly unfounded or excessive.  

- You have the right to be informed 

- You have the right to rectification 

- You have the right to erasure 

       - You have the right to restrict processing 

- You have the right to object 

- You have the right to data portability 

- You uphold the right not to be subject to automated decision-making including profiling. 

Changes to this privacy policy 

L A Mark Speech therapy will keep this Privacy Policy under regular review, and will update You  accordingly should the way we process, share and store Your personal data change.  

Using our Site

When using our site, we collect Log data; such as your computer's IP address, browser version, the time and date you visited, and how long you have been on the site for.


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